Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Month 3: Take 15

First of all we must apologize for our tardiness in posting our monthly challenges. We really do hope others will partake in these challenges with us if a particular month interests you, however not posting what we're doing until the 11th day of the month makes participating significantly more difficult...we'll do better.

But for September we thought we would try something simple: 15 minutes a day practicing something we want to get better at.

For me (Nicole), I played violin when I was younger but quit when our school's orchestra program got cut after my fifth grade year and I lost the motivation to play.  Ever since I gave it up I've consistently swooned at the sound of really good violin players and regretted not sticking with it.  Recently, the thought occurred to me that I could still learn to play, especially since I have a violin just sitting around unused.  So I've decided to take just fifteen minutes a day and attempt to take my violin skills from squeaky, fifth-grader level to something a little prettier.

Mozart - Violin Concerto KV219 - David Oistrakh, Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden, Franz Konwitschny, DGG LPE17159 10 inch
Look out Mr. Oistrakh, I'm coming for ya

As many of you may know, for the past 6 years I (Justin) have had joint pain in my knees. Being 24 years of age, I feel this is both strange and undesirable. However, within the last year of starting (unofficial) Crossfit, my knees have vastly improved, but I'm still pushing for 100%. I believe improving my flexibility will get them there, so I've decided to stretch 15 min/day in September.

While I don't hope to end up like rubber boy (see video below), I do hope to accomplish what we've affectionately dubbed "The Chinaman squat" in honor of all our Chinese friends who effortlessly resort to this position when chairs are unavailable (and sometimes when they are). This position requires significant flexibility of the hamstrings, glutes, ankles, and hips, which is perfect as all of mine are tight as a drum (apparently this is an idiom, who knew?). Here's hoping for a picture of me in the chinaman squat September 30th!

Also just in case we don't get our next couple month's posts out before the month starts we decided what we are doing:
October- Bed by 10
November- Don't be late

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