Cameron: 8-12 Months

Hi Internet!  I haven't posted on this blog in ages, and Cameron is 2 and a half years old now, but I am a finisher so I am writing Cameron's last 5 updates into one giant finale post. I'm posting these pictures/info here more for my own sake, to have it all in one place on the blog, to get the satisfaction of finishing what I started, and to not fully surrender to the neglect second children often endure in the area of memory preservation.  Also I realize this is so outdated that approximately 3 people will be interested in it (me and the grandmas...), but once again, this post is mostly for me (and maybe Cam someday).

I've missed writing here, and will be back again soon with something more current.  :)

  • Size: ?? No doctors appointments this month
  • Sleeping: 3 naps/day and sleeping through the night, bedtime around 7 pm 
  • Eating: Breastfeeding 5 times/day (morning, after each nap, and before bed) and back to 3 solid food meals/day.  Eats A LOT of solids!
  • New This Month: Now that he was consistently sleeping through the night Cameron started sharing a room with his big brother, he pulled up to standing all by himself a few days after his ‘7 month’ birthday, and had his first cold.  2 weeks after he started pulling up he was still in the more wobbly than sturdy stage and fell from a pulled up position standing next to the couch onto a lightsaber on the ground and cut his upper lip pretty badly.  (For the rest of his life I suppose he can point to his scar and say it happened during Jedi training…) 
  • Likes/Dislikes/Habits: The day he cut his lip and was suffering through his first cold, sleeping and nursing poorly due to a stuffy nose, we decided it was probably the worst day of his life. :’(  He was not a happy camper but made it through. 

  • Size: ?? No doctors appointments this month
  • Sleeping: Mid-month transitioned from 3 to 2 naps/day and sleeping through the night, bedtime around 7 pm 
  • Eating: Breastfeeding 3 or 4 times/day and 3 solid food meals/day.  Cameron went through a nursing strike this month which made for a challenging week and a half.  I’m not certain what caused it, but my guess is it stemmed from a strong reaction on my part to him biting.  I pumped like crazy, decimated my freezer stash, and when I finally ran out of frozen milk I bought a can of formula.  But he absolutely hated the formula, would not drink it, and went back to the breast once that was the only option!
  • New This Month: After army crawling/doing the worm/scooting for 3 months, he figured out crawling on all fours this month and was steady and balanced when sitting on his butt.  He also (consistently) uttered his first word: “Wow!” and had his first haircut (I trimmed the back only since it was getting pretty mullet-y).
  • Likes/Dislikes/Habits: For a week and a half this month really disliked nursing, but disliked formula even more (see above).  Liked playing and splashing in the pool.

  • Size: ?? No doctors appointments this month
  • Sleeping: 2 naps/day and sleeping through the night, bedtime around 7 pm 
  • Eating: Breastfeeding 3 or 4 times/day and 3 solid food meals/day.
  • New This Month: Cut his next two teeth, the top ones next to the front teeth (lateral incisors), and made some cute kissing noises.  He started walking forward with the support of an office chair or my hands and standing for a few seconds at a time on his own without support.  He also went on his first airplane ride to Bangkok, Thailand for the Asia Championships Finals. 
  • Likes/Dislikes/Habits: Super active, always crawling and trying to climb everywhere.  Still a huge fan of splashing in the water and bath time.

  • Size: ?? Didn't record the weight/height from his doctor's appointment
  • Sleeping: 2 naps/day and sleeping through the night, bedtime around 7 pm
  • Eating: Breastfeeding 3 or 4 times/day and 3 solid food meals/day.
  • New This Month: Cut his two front teeth and sustained another facial injury when Mulan the cat ran across his face and scratched his nose, leaving a scar not as noticeable as the one on his upper lip, but still earning him the nickname "Scarface" from one of our gym friends.  :(  Moved to a new house, took his first unassisted steps, and started full out walking!
  • Likes/Dislikes/Habits: Favorite food: Chicken! Still an active climber, I found him once on top of the dining table after he climbed out of his highchair when I wasn't looking, and a few times standing on top of the toilet seat.  Said "wow" frequently and added "ow" to his vocabulary.  

  • Size: (At one year checkup) Weight- 9.8 kg/21.6 lb (55.4 %ile), Height- ?? not recorded 
  • Sleeping: 2 naps/day and sleeping through the night, bedtime around 7 pm
  • Eating: Breastfeeding 3 or 4 times/day and 3 solid food meals/day.
  • New This Month: Learned to climb onto and off of the bed and chairs/couch safely by himself, became a more confident walker, and enjoyed eating all the snacks at his first of many Hari Raya open houses.  On his first birthday we celebrated with an airplane ride ;) (traveled to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia for the X45 CrossFit competition).
  • Likes/Dislikes/Habits: A lot of the same as previous months: a big eater and really active!  He also really liked his birthday cupcake! :)

Previous updates:
5 months
6 months
7 months

Photos by Nicole Payne--all rights reserved.

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